Tuesday, September 23, 2008

random rants and ramblings

can i just say, frim power outtages?

i was online about 7 hours ago when the electricity just died... as in died...

everything just turned black... anyway, speaking of black...

yossui's frimmin white!

does she even go out in the sun?

seeing ishiyoshi side by side makes rika look black...

my dad thought she was filipino...

hah! rika, filipino? i wish!

maybe that would raise my chances with her... NOT! LOLZ
anyway, here's the pair of handcuff earrings and my hand.... and my laptop... took the picture just now...

and a matching bracelet...
what's cool is that the super mini handcuffs actually open like handcuffs...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's why wotas often use ● and ○ to represent them =)