Monday, March 23, 2009

i'm really bad at looking for shizznit...

i just look for link and don't try to translate and try to read stuff until i find interesting links... XD

so today, i was browsing and there were a couple of links into the same roda... ishiyoshi pic... really old ones... like 2000 or something for some... most of them ishiyoshi touching

here are links if you wanna see 'em:

you've seen the pic off kemeko's blog ne?
this one:

i'm too lazy to up them here... gomen...

but yeah...

the ishiyoshi shizzles today is that...

cute, ne? made me wish for another 4th gen reunion picture...

no solid news today...

oh... and gomen if most of my posts are "i *verb* blah blah blah blah" cuz that's what this blog is all about... XD ... i'm a self-centered brat

i can't really talk about shizzles that i really don't know... but i will try my best to find the news i can talk about here XD

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