Wednesday, October 8, 2008


... ... it's photoshopped i think...

but still...

... ... it's ... ... disturbing...

have you seen it?

really... scary...

i feel all pervily wrong...


Japanime1 said...

...did I miss something...I can't help but ask, "what is 'it'?"...(O.o)

Me said...

if you go to "the" roda... it's there... ...

i think 'it' is rather old and i almost forgot that 'it' existed but someone re-uploaded 'it'...

must be look alikes... not recent stuff but having seen it again just made me react...

Japanime1 said...

well, I haven't been to "the" roda again yet... but...when you say "look-alikes" image popped into my head instantly; so I think I know what "it" is now. lol. ... ...yeah, wow...haven't seen that in ages... dunno if I should look at it again to make sure it's what I'm imagining... XDD

Me said...

yeah... it's old stuff...

i dug through my old files and saw my copy of that (yes, i kept it... the perv in me just couldn't resist)

... man... .... ... ... man.

they don't upload stuff that often so i was surprised that there were "new" stuff on... there were new stuff from that run for money shindig... and the old stuff...