Monday, August 11, 2008

Rika-chan just made me wish that i was a grape... that IS a grape, right?

totally unrelated pic... i just thought yossui looks so frimmin' awesome here...


Japanime1 said...

I think grapes are bigger than that....cranberries perhaps? Or some of the sort. lol.

steph said...

I was about to say sakuranbo... but thats just way too small for a cherry. So I guess japanime might be right...

Me said...

... there are grapes of that size here! ... i'mma buy a kilo to devour and show you guys!

Japanime1 said...

lol...can I steal some from you when you do? XD

Me said...

just try!!!!!!

i can eat a kilo of grapes in less than 30 minutes...


... man, i eat a lot...

Japanime1 said...

15 minutes into that, then, I'll steal half that kilo when you're not looking and trying to finish chewing...XD But I dunno if I can run away after