Wednesday, July 9, 2008

random rants and ramblings... (round 2)

... in one forum in the yossui thread, they're now talking about yossui in action flicks... and transcending gender...

since i was just talking about Rika in yoyo girl cop, i'll stick to the action flicks topic for now...

well, she's athletic and strong so stunts won't look weird on her...

action flicks... ... IshiYoshi in one action flick... ... hm... ... I don't know if i like that idea (of course in the context of pure IshiYoshi worship, i'd love the idea...)

... Rika=mean girl ; Yossui=???

well, if they do get casted, they'd be on opposite sides and would end up kicking each other's ass... the carino brutal in ganko is enough IshiYoshi violence for me...

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