Friday, April 17, 2009

totally random shizz...

some while back me and my girl were out on a date and we went to a hardware store ...


yes, we go to the hardware store on our dates

anyway... so while she was on the counter with my money to pay for the stuff that we got, the secutiry guard approached me and asked me if she's my sister...

i was tempted to say yes just to save us from the total awkwardness of suddenly coming out to a complete stranger but my insanity got the best of me and i just blurted out "she's my girlfriend"

they guard tried his best not to look surprised XD


for reasons that i won't tell you people... cuz there really is no reason...

what would you think if THEY said that they see and treat each other as sisters?

what do you think would that mean?

would you buy it? or is it just an excuse to protect each other?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wonder why they've never used that excuse before?

Maybe because it doesn't really describe their relationship very well? Their aura together is just too "awkward" (in a very good way)to be sisterly.. I mean, Yossy says that Makoto's like a little sister to her and it totally shows in their interactions.. With Rika, it's different.

Or maybe they just don't want to ruin their are-we-or-aren't-we thing going since it's such a good thing for them promotion-wise?

I dunno but i get the impression that the public wouldn't buy. It'll probably just come out seeming too much like a cover-up so...

Right now, I'll say I wouldn't buy it... But maybe if they did say it out loud I'll actually get all giddy? There's no telling with me. XD

(too long? sorry)

Me said...

^no comment is too long for this blog, man... we love hearing from everyone all over!

thanks for the response ^_^

*i totally had the chance to use that excuse and i blew it! XD