Sunday, November 9, 2008

one night, one of the brethren and i were talking about the Making of... Vid

we were both disturbed by that last shot of a... i-don't-know-how-to-describe-it-but-i-know-you-get-what-i-mean yossui

one of the brethren: Yossie is really scaring me
tru_harmony: yeah... that last shot was just...
tru_harmony: i dunno...
one of the brethren: its kinda like seeing her in person in a way
one of the brethren: its like 'OMG OMG! Yossie!'
one of the brethren: and then she just walks past u and ignores u
tru_harmony: yeah...
one of the brethren: its kinda like that feeling
tru_harmony: something like disillusionment?
one of the brethren: yea
one of the brethren: wait
one of the brethren: the cameraman is a man
one of the brethren: maybe thats y
one of the brethren: xD
tru_harmony: LOL
one of the brethren: lol im looking for a hole
tru_harmony: yeah
one of the brethren: show me see your true colours~
one of the brethren: oops
tru_harmony: or... "bleep's bleep" is really real
tru_harmony: ... gasp!
tru_harmony: yossui is "bleep" !!!
tru_harmony: LOL
one of the brethren: OMG!
one of the brethren: lol
tru_harmony: *kicks fangirl*

*some items were changed to protect me and one of the brethren...

you are all free to kick fangirl...


i remember in a forum, there was some talk about the possibility of yossui knowing more english than she appears to know...

what if... she's really among us here... HUWAH~! any suspects? LOL

... then again, i don't think a japanese person ever visited here... HAHA...

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