Thursday, October 16, 2008

i'm on break now so i'm playing with the track on my computer, switching between my sony and philips headphones just to hear everything on the track...

and seriously, there's this really weird noise on the higher frequencies especially on the second verse... it's so weird you wouldn't think it was really on the track... a subliminal hypnotic message? LOL... of course not... LOL

i'mma try recording it to show you guys what it is...

how did i stumble upon this?

well, i heard a riff on that verse that was hard to catch... so i tinkered with it on the equalizer and applied some filters here and there...

man... i love hAngry and angry...

h/Angry^2 to me and someone... LOL

we ishiyoshily shortened it during one of our ishiyoshi conversations...

i think it's the damned reverb that's making the lyric hunting confusing...

i seriously hear hedge or edge... or whatever word that starts with he and ends with an "edge"-ish sound... it's really starting to frustrate me... i've slowed down the track, de-noise-d it, washed it down to minus-one proportions... nothing...

but i like the song... very much... even without understanding much of the lyrics... the fact (I'm sure of this) that the word 'hell' is in there, plus it's IshiYoshi makes it priceless...

i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them! i love them!

I'm a real hopeless case...

i've finished tabbing the whole song... wahahahahahahah!!! i think i did it right... i'mma post it somewhere on the net... blogger isn't guitar-user friendly... sigh...

but i did it, i did it, horray!

tis so awesome... simple but kick ass... i wanna see yossui pickslide or something...


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