Tuesday, September 2, 2008

... snail mail...

Who says what to whom?

What IT (refer to previous post) means is one thing but to who she's saying it is another thing...

going on catholic mode...

a flame in the cavern may mean taking things with a pinch of salt, correct?

could that be a foreshadowing of the treacherous 'kiss'

it could be a good thing and a bad thing for a crazy fanatic like me... man, crucify me...!

something started me thinking about all these thing just dumped into our consciousness all at once....

... i mean there's absolutely no way(i think) that IT a conscious act... there's no way...

but it could be a subliminal message... who knows... freudian slip? maybe...

but the fact remains, it made me start thinking...

not that my belief falters... but... ... ...


that's what happens when you take a 2-hour nap instead of an 8-hour sleep...

hmmm... maybe i should stop thinking about this altogether...

anyway... gatten gatas ain't fun... there's no rika-chan...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your topic title.

They have done their fair share.
They have spoken up.
Leave things be.
When there's no expection, there will be no disappointment. Everything else will be a bonus.