Friday, September 26, 2008

random rants and ramblings

is there anyone in H!P who doesn't like yossui?

i think she's a very likeable person... hmmm... maybe i can say that all because i like her too...

i think it would be cool if she could be my ka-tropa (literally meaning troop-mate; in context, buddy) ...

i think she' s the listening type... of all who've been 'linked' to her, i think maki's the only really quiet type...

... but that's jsut me again...


rika-chan... no need to ask if anyone hates her...

1 comment:

katatsumuri said...

Sometimes I think people dislike Rika just because Yossi's so obviously close to her. You don't see that many ppl hating her when Rika just left MM.