Sunday, September 21, 2008

as a guitarist and an IshiYoshi worshipper, this is the best thing ever!!!

but if both happens in the same night and same place, and i happen to be there, i can die happy
i suddenly remembered my capo which has been missing for quite a while now... hmm... they must've used those to keep chord shapes simple...
steel strings for both...
i like classical guitars better (nylon strings)... they sound warmer... anyway...
very manly of yossui to stand while playing... the wide strap is so her... LOLZ ... they should let her shred crazy riffs, man... that's a rocker right there...
my steel string acoustic's similar to the one yossui's holding in shape and similar to the one on rika in color, sunburst... except the pickguard... my pickguard's similar to the one on yossui... LOLZ

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