Tuesday, August 12, 2008

... random rants and ramblings...

i'm here in the library... again...

... the section c of my thesis got a B+ ... good enough... it's almost an A... LOL

i think it's awesome that i'm getting to know more people who like IshiYoshi too... didn't think there are that many left...

hmm... the other day, the rabu-rabu was asking me why 'the others' seemed to be more popular...

and i was like: because they hate the charmy... whoops... but yeah... my sis, she hates rika... (maybe because of the ishiyoshi... but she doesn't hate yossui...hmmm...)

also... after putting in some thought to it... many of the people i've spoken with became fans around 2006...

yes, that's when the mother left the father (with a stepmother to whom i won't append an adjective) to work somewhere away from 'home'... and the (paternal) granma suddenly died... the kids were all over the place and i think someone had an Electra complex...

mother was so busy... father had 'his' hands full... tengo wahid who walang asistar masyado... ~lalala~

but don't get me wrong... i don't hate 'the others'... i think they are as worship worthy as anything worship worthy...

*crazy theory cooking up in my head based on a 2ch rumor...* nah...

but yeah... if you check out most forums, many of them started/ re-started around 2005-2006... forums usually talk of recent stuff... therefore... post 2006, most of the 'interactions' were past tense...

nothing left to talk about...


and besides as if i really knew anything... honestly my head is as hollow as ... hm... *just think of anything hollow*


Japanime1 said...

What was the 2ch rumor?? XD I wanna know. lol.

Me said...

oh... it's not really ishiyoshi... i just have an insane conspiracy about it... i think you've heard it before... it's pretty much out there...