Saturday, August 23, 2008


I overslept... again...

Anyway, I had another dream that features the oh-so-lovely 'couple' that I so worship... actually, it's a sort of continuation of a dream i had before that i didn't post here but i think i did in one of the forums...

I think I've mentioned before that I'm into music... I perform in a band and I'm in the process of learning the art of sound engineering... I've worked in a studio before and I think I might want to produce...

so the dream: I was talking with Tsunku (I don't know what language... what matters is we were talking about IshiYoshi)... and we're going to co-produce... yes... as expected of the fanatic in me... AN ISHIYOSHI UNIT!!!!

So... in order to materialize this awesome awesome idea, a meeting was arranged so I can meet with the two of them (after speaking with the damned managerial people who thought I was 12 years old)... i met them in the studio... actually, they sort of caught me of guard as i was playing 'Do It! Now' on my guitar while doing the dance steps for the feet... It was hard... anyway... So they arrived at the same time, Yossui entering the room before Rika (~lalalala~)

They listened to the tracks that they were supposed to be doing... and we were talking about vocal arrangement and all that... they were going to do some ballads and a couple of rock songs... just for demos to submit to the powers that be... so after handing them the study CDs, for some reason, all air of professionalism left my body and I suddenly said (in whatever language): "has there been any point in time that you two had a relationship beyond friendship?"

And they were shocked... and i was damn embarrassed... they called me tru-san (even if they are older than me)... i mean... they show me that kind of respect and here i am, letting the intrigera in me take reign... ... my cellphone rang and i had to wake up without hearing any response from either of them... DAMN!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the two of them looked so awesome while tsunku-san looked so aw--something...

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