Wednesday, July 30, 2008

... i know I've said this so many times and all over the place... but really Yossui is just so frimmin' (i just coined my own variation of the f-word) awesome... as in awesome to the brim awesome... this pic is from 2 years ago... she looks so pro... as in exec pro... as in i'm-company-president-pro... if i had to pick a pic of yossui to illustrate her character in my fic, this would be a worthy candidate... so kakkoi... cool, composed, calm and collected.
simply amazing... if the tru+h really is the truth... man... oh man... my goddess has picked an awesome object of affections...
*sigh* just wanted "say" that ^ out aloud... HEAR ME SKEP (I've baptized you with a new name... i hope you don't mind)

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